The next ecpr general conference will be held in Reykjavik, 25-27 August 2011. The deadline for the submission of a paper abstract is 1 February 2011. During the last days, many CfPs for individual panels have been circulated on email-lists. Since panels that are interesting to scholars of protest and social movements are dispersed over several sections, here is an attempt to provide an overview:

Section 65: Contentious politics in times of crisis. Section Chairs: Alice Mattoni and Donatella della Porta


A New Rising Star? Political Consumerism and New Sustainable Community Movements in a Comparative Perspective. Panel Chairs: Francesca Forno und Paolo R. Graziano, Discussant: Donatella della Porta

Civil society, international aid, and the state: is there a pattern in democratic transformations? Panel Chairs: Abel Polese und Kateryna Pishchikova, Discussant: Donnacha O’Beachain

Climate Justice and the Scale of Contentious Politics Panel Chairs: Paul Routledge und Alex Plows

Contentious Politics in Undemocratic Settings Panel Chair: Eduardo Romanos, Discussant: Lorenzo Bosi

Crises and the outcomes of contentious politics Panel Chairs: Katrin Uba and Marco Giugni, Discussant: Katrin Uba

New W(h)ines in New Bottles? Voicing Protest in the Digital Age Panel Chairs: Paul Nixon and Rajash Rawal

Rioting and Insurrectionary Collective Action in Comparative Perspective: Conceptual and Theoretical Concerns Panel Chairs: Seraphim Seferiades and Loukia Kotronaki, Discussant: Donatella della Porta

Workers movements in time of transformations and crisis Panel Chairs: Alice Mattoni and Annika Zorn

Panels in other Sections:

Associations under Authoritarian Rule – Supporters of Authoritarian Regimes? Panel Chairs: Jörg Wischermann and Nuno Vidal, Discussant: Jamal Amaney (in Section 36: Authoritarian regimes in comparative perspective: Theoretical and empirical issues)

Deliberation and Difference Panel Chair: Nicole Dörr (in Section 74: Democratic Innovations)

Cooperation, Competition or Conflict: Interactions between Environmental Social Movements and Political Parties Panel Chairs: Aron Buzogany and Ondrej Cisar (in Section 92: Green Politics)

Violence and Social Movements Panel Chairs: Laurence Cox and Michael Drake (in Section 47: InterdisciplinaryPerspectives on Violence and Politics)

Digital Media and Collective Action after Mass Society Panel Chairs: Lance Bennett and Alexandra Segerberg, Discussant: Andrew Chadwick (in Section 83: Internet and Politics: Bridging Current Research and Outlining Future Directions)

Digital media and participatory democracy: Bridging the Political Gap? Panel Chairs: Yanina Welp and Clelia Colombo (in Section 83: Internet and Politics: Bridging Current Research and Outlining Future Directions)

Digital politics: Collective action born in and from the Internet Panel Chairs: Sigrid Baringhorst and Johanna Niesyto (in Section 83: Internet and Politics: Bridging Current Research and Outlining Future Directions)

Civil Societies and Social Contention: East-Central Europe in a European Perspective Panel Chairs: Laszlo Bruszt and Bela Greskovits, Discussant: Donatella della Porta (in Section 61: Organized Civil Society in Europe)

Frame Building and/ or Framing Effects Panel Chairs: Regula Hänggli and Rens Vliegenthart (in Section 5: Political Communication)

Popular Culture and the Communication of Politics Panel Chairs: Sanna Inthorn and Michele Micheletti, Discussant: Liesbet van Zoonen (in Section 5: Political Communication)

Extreme Political attitudes: fanaticism, radicalism Panel Chair: Henk Dekker (in Section 103: Political Psychology in Europe: Public Opinion, Political Preferences, Identity and Conflict)

Artful practices of resistance Panel Chair: Tarja Väyrynen (in Section 20: Politics and Arts in a Time of Crisis and Anxiety)

Exiting Political Violence Panel Chairs: Lorenzo Bosi and Niall Ó Dochartaigh (in Section 38: Social Roots of Political Processes)

Intergenerational Continuities in Political Participation: Do Activists’ Children become Activists? Panel Chairs: Julie Pagis and Laura Stoker (in Section 38: Social Roots of Political Processes)

Third sector’s ambiguous role in welfare state politics of retrenchment Panel Chairs: Veronica Federico and Deborah Russo, Discussant: Taco Brandsen (in Section 99: The Politics of Retrenchment and welfare state policy – revisiting theory, evaluating evidence)

The role of civil society for the inclusion of young unemployed and precarious youth Panel Chair: Simone Baglioni, Discussant: Didier Chabanet (in Section 91: Youth, Unemployment, and Exclusion in Europe)

Additional section of interest:

Section 45: The Civic Culture revisited: Challenges, changes and innovations in studies of participation and trust